Victory Christian School utilizes the Accelerated Christian Education (A.C.E.) curriculum in the first through twelfth grades as its core curriculum.  The A.C.E. program is individualized.  It is designed to allow each student to work on his/her own level of achievement, which may vary from subject to subject.

Accelerated Christian Education is a tried-and-true approach to academics since its development in 1970.  The A.C.E. program is used in over 6,000 schools in 145 countries.  Victory Christian School stands by this curriculum not only because of its overall reputation, but because it has proven effective specifically in our school since its opening in 1984.

The core disciplines of Math, English, Social Studies, Science and Word Building provide students with a solid academic foundation that is part of the complete educational package.  The core curriculum provides the student with academics, skill building, reading practice and knowledge of God, His Word, and His character and wisdom.


The ABeka curriculum is used in kindergarten.  The program provides an excellent foundation in Phonics, Reading, Handwriting, Numbers, Skills Development, Language Development and Bible.

Supplemental Curriculum
Although A.C.E. is our core curriculum for grades 1-12, other teaching methods and curricula such as Teaching Textbooks and ABeka are utilized for supplemental courses. Bible is taught in a traditional classroom setting, Spanish is taught using virtual classroom methods and other subjects are computer-based. Students have access to internet and books for research. DVD helps and tutoring are also available. All methods working together make the program of VCS unique and designed to meet our needs.